10 research outputs found

    Nowe oblicze azytromycyny w chorobach układu oddechowego u dzieci

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      W niniejszej pracy mówiono wyniki najnowszych badań dotyczących stosowania azytromycyny (AZT) u dzieci z chorobami dolnych dróg oddechowych. Po raz pierwszy wykazano skuteczność i możliwą rolę AZT w terapii objawów astmopodobnych u dzieci w wieku 1−3 lat. Lek ten może być również przydatny w prewencji ciężkich schorzeń dolnych dróg oddechowych przebiegających z obturacją oskrzeli u dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym, w prewencji dysplazji oskrzelowo-płucnej noworodków oraz w prewencji świszczącego oddechu u dzieci po przebytym zapaleniu oskrzelików. Wszystkie omawiane badania wymagają dalszego potwierdzenia skuteczności i bezpieczeństwa stosowania AZT w omawianych stanach chorobowych.

    The effect of Propionibacterium acnes on maturation of dendritic cells derived from acne patients' peripherial blood mononuclear cells.

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    Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of acne vulgaris which is the most common cutaneous disorder. It has a proinflammatory activity and takes part in immune reactions modulating the Th1/Th2 cellular response. The exposure of dendritic cells (DCs) to whole bacteria, their components, cytokines or other inflammatory stimuli and infectious agents induces differentiation from immature DCs into antigen-presenting mature DCs. The aim of the study was to evaluate the capability of P. acnes to induce the maturation of DCs. We stimulated monocyte derived dendritic cells (Mo-DCs) from acne patients with various concetrations of heat-killed P. acnes (10(6)-10(8) bacteria/ml) cultured from acne lesions. The results showed an increase in CD80+/CD86+/DR+ and CD83+/CD1a+/DR+ cells percentage depending on the concetration of P. acnes. The expression of CD83 and CD80 (shown as the mean fluorescence intensity - MFI) increased with higher concetrations of P. acnes. There were also significant correlations between MFI of CD83, CD80, CD86 and concetration of P. acnes. The study showed that P. acnes in the concetration of 10(8) bacteria/ml is most effective in the induction of Mo-DCs maturation. Futher studies concerning the influence on the function of T cells are needed

    Nowe oblicze azytromycyny w chorobach układu oddechowego u dzieci

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    W niniejszej pracy mówiono wyniki najnowszych badań dotyczących stosowania azytromycyny (AZT) u dzieci z chorobami dolnych dróg oddechowych. Po raz pierwszy wykazano skuteczność i możliwą rolę AZT w terapii objawów astmopodobnych u dzieci w wieku 1−3 lat. Lek ten może być również przydatny w prewencji ciężkich schorzeń dolnych dróg oddechowych przebiegających z obturacją oskrzeli u dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym, w prewencji dysplazji oskrzelowo-płucnej noworodków oraz w prewencji świszczącego oddechu u dzieci po przebytym zapaleniu oskrzelików. Wszystkie omawiane badania wymagają dalszego potwierdzenia skuteczności i bezpieczeństwa stosowania AZT w omawianych stanach chorobowych

    Patofizjologia reakcji alergicznych

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    The effect of Propionibacterium acnes on maturation of dendritic cells derived from acne patients' peripherial blood mononuclear cells.

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    Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of acne vulgaris which is the most common cutaneous disorder. It has a proinflammatory activity and takes part in immune reactions modulating the Th1/Th2 cellular response. The exposure of dendritic cells (DCs) to whole bacteria, their components, cytokines or other inflammatory stimuli and infectious agents induces differentiation from immature DCs into antigen-presenting mature DCs. The aim of the study was to evaluate the capability of P. acnes to induce the maturation of DCs. We stimulated monocyte derived dendritic cells (Mo-DCs) from acne patients with various concetrations of heat-killed P. acnes (10(6)-10(8) bacteria/ml) cultured from acne lesions. The results showed an increase in CD80+/CD86+/DR+ and CD83+/CD1a+/DR+ cells percentage depending on the concetration of P. acnes. The expression of CD83 and CD80 (shown as the mean fluorescence intensity - MFI) increased with higher concetrations of P. acnes. There were also significant correlations between MFI of CD83, CD80, CD86 and concetration of P. acnes. The study showed that P. acnes in the concetration of 10(8) bacteria/ml is most effective in the induction of Mo-DCs maturation. Futher studies concerning the influence on the function of T cells are needed

    Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) – indications, mechanism, and efficacy Position paper prepared by the Section of Immunotherapy, Polish Society of Allergy

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    SLIT ( sublingual immunotherapy ) induces allergen-specific immune tolerance by sublingual administration of a gradually increasing dose of an allergen. The mechanism of SLIT is comparable to those during SCIT (subcutaneous immunotherapy), with the exception of local oral dendritic cells, pre-programmed to elicit tolerance. In the SLIT dose, to achieve the same efficacy as in SCIT, it should be 50–100 times higher with better safety profile. The highest quality evidence supporting the efficacy of SLIT lasting 1 – 3 years has been provided by the large scale double-blind, placebo-controlled (DBPC) trials for grass pollen extracts, both in children and adults with allergic rhinitis. Current indications for SLIT are allergic rhinitis (and conjunctivitis) in both children and adults sensitized to pollen allergens (trees, grass, Parietaria ), house dust mites ( Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides farinae ), cat fur, as well as mild to moderate controlled atopic asthma in children sensitized to house dust mites. There are positive findings for both asthma and new sensitization prevention. Severe adverse events, including anaphylaxis, are very rare, and no fatalities have been reported. Local adverse reactions develop in up to 70 – 80% of patients. Risk factors for SLIT adverse events have not been clearly identified. Risk factors of non-adherence to treatment might be dependent on the patient, disease treatment, physician-patient relationship, and variables in the health care system organization